Thursday 23 December 2021 - 11:40
Message of condolence on the death of Ambassador of Iran to Yemen

Imam Khamenei offered his condolences and congratulations on the martyrdom-like death of Mr. Hassan Irloo, the hardworking, productive Ambassador of Iran to Yemen.

Hawzah News Agency –In a message, Imam Khamenei offered his condolences and congratulations on the martyrdom-like death of Mr. Hassan Irloo, the hardworking, productive Ambassador of Iran to Yemen. The text of his message follows.

In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful

I offer my condolences and congratulations over the martyrdom-like death of the hardworking, productive Ambassador of Iran to Yemen, Mr. Hassan Irloo (may God’s mercy be upon him), to his honorable family and to his friends and like-minded people who have been with him during the long period of his struggles. His honorable record includes a collection of political struggles, diplomatic efforts and social activities. His two brothers attained the high status of martyrdom before him. May God’s mercy be upon this brother who struggled on the path of God and upon his patient, insightful, self-sacrificing family.

Sayyid Ali Khamenei
December 22, 2021


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